Shareholder Enquiries
FAMCO Share Registration Services (Private) Limited
Share Registrar for Cnergyico Pk Limited: 8-F, Next to Hotel Farhan,Nursery, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S, Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi
(+92 21) 34380101-5
For shareholder enquiries, please visit the Contact Us form and select the subject “Shareholder enquiry.”.
Those shareholders who wish to receive the Company’s Annual Report through email are requested to provide a completed consent form to the Company’s Share Registrar, FAMCO Share Registration Services (Private) Limited or email the scanned copy of the same at company.secretary@cnergyico.com
For accessing SDMS of SECP, please visit (https://sdms.secp.gov.pk/) or click below
Cnergyico's Vice Chairman at Dunya News
Cnergyico celebrates 75 years of Pakistan
The years haven’t been easy, but together, we have weathered all kinds of storms, which only made us stronger and more united.